Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Unbidden Memory

I was over at You Grow Girl (thanks for the rec, Craftosaurus!) and I followed a link to a post she wrote about daffodils.  She seems to have a lot more hang ups about daffodils than I do -- I never considered them boring or ordinary.  I always liked daffodils as one of the first harbingers of spring.  They were a sign of better days to come.

As I was thinking about these flowers, I remembered that they used to grow wild in the woods near the house I grew up in.  I remember walking through there with my parents as a little girl and seeing little spots of color at the bases of the still lifeless trees.

There's not much point to this story. It was just a nice memory and I thought I would share it, in particular for those of you who are still in the dark throes of winter.


Anonymous said...

Nice memory. And I like how you got the word harbinger into it.
- sheila

Anonymous said...

Yes -- that was nice.


craftosaurus said...

You're welcome! ;)

And thanks for the nice reminder of spring!

L said...

Thanks, everyone!

Andria Crowjoy said...

Daffodils don't really grow wild (well, here anyway) but they naturalize! I love that about them!

L said...

Hmm, I did not know that! Perhaps the daffodils in the forest had crept out from the surrounding neighborhoods or something. I just remember walking through the forest and seeing their yellow trumpets at the base of trees that towered over us.

Andria Crowjoy said...

Well I suppose they're native somewhere! But more likely what was forest then was a homestead or farmland a century before. These little reminders of times past.