I just had an excellent racing experience. My friend E convinced me to run the Run for Women with her work crew. So I signed up last week. It's a five mile run, which I knew I would be able to do since I've been training for the 1/2 marathon. A five miler is a "short" run at this point in my training.
Anyway, my goal was 50:00. It was cold and a little rainy this morning, and my ankle was bothering me because I really really need new shoes, but I started out at a good pace -- and kept it. I wasn't exactly sure how I was doing, because I didn't know the distances (it took me 4 miles to figure out they had a water station every mile. Duh). But, I figured I was doing okay. I got to the final 1/4 mile around the track, and I could see by my watch I was at 48:00. So I picked up the pace. I rounded the final corner, and the time on the clock said 49:50. I thought "there is NO WAY I'm going to let myself get one second over 50:00" and I sprinted to the end. I mean, I was busting my ass. 49:54, 49:55......
49:57, baby. Official time. Awwww yeah. I rocked the house!
It's good to achieve your goal -- and even better when you have to work at least a little hard to do it.
Well Done!
What exactly does "raise the roof" mean, anyway? Makes me think of Amish people and house-raising.
I don't know, I was thinking like when you throw your hands in the air, you know? It's kind of a stupid title.
Wow, way to go! I still want to attempt a 5k in the next year here, but I am not there yet.
Nice! I'm impressed!
Thanks everyone! And Ning, where is your trip report? I saw the pics but I want a full write-up!
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