Sunday, May 25, 2008

Exercise Efforts Thwarted, Life Goes On

Yesterday, we tried to get out and do the first hike of the season with our friend D. Normally the first hike of the season is a little earlier, but with rotten schedules and surprise 18" snowfalls, we haven't been out yet. So we headed up to the trailhead for a local mountain (relatively short) around noon, where we met Le Suck. The wind was out of control. It was blowing us around on the paved, wheelchair accessible loop to the Anchorage overlook. I was disappointed to find out later that it was only blowing 40 mph, because I would have sworn it was at least 50 to 60 mph. We considered hiking down to the Powerline Trail (an easy hike) but D wussed out because he had on trainers and there was still a lot of snow on the trail. I'm not sure exactly what he was expecting at 1500' elevation in May, so the trainers vs. hiking boots seemed a little silly. Anyway, I didn't mind too much, because like I said, the wind made it really sucky out there.

So we came back and chowed down at a new Chinese buffet, and then went home and took naps. Or at least Ethan and I took naps -- D went to Costco and bought food to host us for dinner, and then did a run around his neighborhood. We spent the evening getting drunk, watching Into the Wild, and arguing in circles about whether parents have the right to homeschool their kids. All in all, it was a fun day, but pretty lazy on our part.

Today Ethan and I made up for it by doing a 9 mile run. I was really glad he decided to run with me, because it rained all day and it's really hard to motivate to go out and run in the rain, even though once I get out there I kind of enjoy it. This was my longest run so far, so my legs are pretty cashed now. Still, I ran the whole way, including all the hills, and I think the Mayor's 1/2 Marathon on June 21 will be a success.

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