I found out last night that my mom has lung cancer. This is not surprising, since she has smoked for 40 years.
The good news is that right now they think it is in Stage 1 B, which is one of the earliest stages, and they are doing surgery to remove part of her lung on Friday. Of course that is major surgery, but the outlook is so much better if they can remove it. If surgery is not an option, the survival rates for lung cancer are pretty low.
Of course, there is always a possibility that when they get in there, they'll find that the situation is worse than they expected. But it is important to remain hopeful.
I am also happy to report that she has stopped smoking. Thank God.
So that's the news for now. They want to get the surgery done as quickly as possible, so Friday is the latest that she'll go in for surgery. I ask you all to keep her and the rest of my family in your prayers.
Louise, I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm keeping your family in my thoughts. Hopefully everything will turn out fine since they caught it early.
Sending your mom healing vibes and keeping you in my thoughts!
louise, i'm sorry to hear about your mom. hopefully they cought it early enough and everything will be ok. you and your family are in my prayers. hugs
I'm so sorry Louise. But like you said its good they are taking actions quickly. you and her and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers immediately!
I'm so sorry to hear that. Big, big hugs and I hope everything goes smoothly on Friday.
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